Learning Portal
Making what you wish existed
The Raw Coding Learning is an education content platform with it's roots starting in the Raw Coding Youtube channel, created by Anton Wieslander.
The Youtube channel was started to create content that I wish I had when I was learning programming - straight to the point, covering every nook and cranny using non assuming language terms, and plenty of analogies (love those).
The Raw Coding Learning platform has been created to solve problems and inefficiencies of current educational video platforms.
- Direction - Learning is not a "straight path", it's a journey filled with turns, crossroads, rabit holes and general wondering. The website leans towards an open world like expierience, there is a main story line with many side quests. How many times have you heard "we will cover that later" or "this will be explained in a different video". You no longer have to wait for the later, courses can be searched for any topics or lingo mentioned in any video. With each video containing references to what has been mentioned and content that it progresses in to.
- Relation - Relationship between content is not lineral, it builds on top of each other and props it self up from the sides. Course content contains references to content wich expands on the current knowledge further explaining what the topic was built on, what it evolves in to, or allows better/deeper understanding of it.
- Evolving - The courses on the platform are built to evolve. Some information will remain relevant forever, new infromation will be discovered and some will be discarded. The course will evolve with the relevancy of infromation that's currently needed. You can expect to have minor video updates and new content added for free.
- Help - Not one course will ever answer all your questions. With the purchased course you get access to personal help via chat where I will help you with whatever queries you have.